Back in 2009, some Russian hackers had managed to port Windows 95 on the iPhone 3G. It is not the first time someone has ported Windows on an iPhone. I've been playing Fallout 3 GOTY with few problems, and that's a game that never has and never will make it to the Mac.According to a post on popular tech forum, a Chinese user with the handle xyqo58775 has figured out a way to install Windows 98 on his iPhone 6 Plus, and the most interesting thing is that he seems to have managed to do it without jailbreaking his device. I have used this myself so I know it works fine.most of the time. If you go back a screen you can set screen options as well. go to tools, then advanced, and then Change engine and/or refresh wrapper. Left click on it, go to "show package contents" and click on wineskin.
You'll probably need to update the engine and refresh the wrapper before running the game. You may also need a copy of Wineskin Winery to get more Wine engines.

Double click on it, when it says "Install software" put in your copy of Zoo Tycoon and wait until it has installed the software and it says "Finished" then double click on it again and it should run the game. or.Wine.go to and see if they have a Wine wrapper for this game (they do) download the wrapper and do what it says.

The game isn't that graphically demanding, so I give you two choices: Crossover codeweavers at around $40, just there for playing old Windows games simply in Mac, runs lots of flavours of windows okay, not super hard to set up or use. and you'd have to buy Parallels or Fusion.
So, not really worth it, plus you'd need a copy of the OS, install it then install the game. Yes, BobThe Fisherman is correct, you really need to use virtual machine for that.
Basically, if anyone knows how to install any of those versions and can help me out, I'd greatly appreciate it so I can relive my childhood obsession and waste some time after finals. I don't have an external hard drive, but I have a USB drive thing and am going to get a copy of 98/Me2000/XP when I figure out which one would be easier to install and can probably get a blank CD or DVD if need be, but I was hoping I could maybe find a simpler/cheaper way to do so. I've looked all over and can't seem to figure it out. I know very little about computers, but I tried to figure out how to do that myself and a lot of websites suggested BootCamp, but that only can install newer forms of Windows. the inside pamphlet says it needs Windows 98/Me/2000/XP. I received it the other day and to be disappointment (although not my surprise), the cover was different and when I tried to install it, it didn't work. the title of the item had the work "Mac" in it and the picture of the cover also have the little symbol that indicates that games work with Macs. I looked all over and finally found a copy that claimed to be compatible with Macs. I was feeling nostalgic and ordered Zoo Tycoon on eBay.